Hi this is a bit of like a journal page cuz why not, anyways.
ive been trying to improve myself, for a while im been an absolute mess, struggled with weight all my life, and haven't been very hygenic either. i fixed my hygiene issues pretty quickly but im still not good about weight, im trying tho, restricting and doing what i can but occasionally having ruts in it still lol, along with a new workout routine ive been keeping secret from my parents because its a feminine body workout routine. I don't mind telling the internet that but i think my uncle knows my website and just hasn visited it in a while, hopefully he never does because if he finds this hes going to be very disappointed in me, thanks for reading if you see this bye!
Hi! i its valentines day! im not necissarily lonely in like a romantic kinda way but all of my friends are talking to their significant others and i dont get to talk to them a lot anyway. not that i blame them for that but you klnw it just kinda makes me feel lonely. eh, im probably just going to animate today like normal, school was arlight today, i talked to some of my offline friends but i dont talk to them outside of school msotly for the fact tath i just dont have a lot of them near me. i dont expect anyone to feel bad for me because im quite fortunate when it comes down to it and at leas t i have friends, and this is partially what online was meant for. somethign i realized was i didnt really need to talk to people that much until i met my best friend and kept talking to him and now i actually need people to talk to, like a sable from animal crossing type thing. anyway i guess im just venting because why not. hope everyone are having a good valentines day because, despite everything, i'd say todays been pretty good.
hi! haven't talked to anybody except my family today, one of my best friends have a very unsteady access to a phone due to his parents so i havent talked to him in about a week and the last time i talked to another one of my best friends was like 4 days ago and thats pretty much it. I guess thats fine despite me being kinda lonely, makes me wish the sable thing never happened, guess valentines day is not the problem. I shouldnt really feel so lonely, im fortunate to have family to talk to and just overall being more fortunate than a lot of other people. I think im fine, thats really all it is, i guess its kinda hard to know how you really feel at the core but its kinda fine ig, whatever, im venting to procrastinate on my animation because OFC but yeh.
hello, i am currently messaging in a vc with a bunch of people i have never talked to before because i dont have anything else to do, im muted but am messaging so im interacting with them through that, i like communicating with peopel.
i cant really say im doing that well, the snow outside is keeping me out of school for now but that just means that interacting with people other than my parents have been scarce, that server im in on discord has been helping, might get on vr chat (desperate i know) im sure this makes me look like im chronically online and i definitely am but i try to talk to people. My friend i mentioned before just contacted me, it makes me feel awful not talking to them for so long. he's awesome but as i mentioned, his parents arent. i had a crush on him at some point but it's pretty much gone at this point, i wonder if he knows its gone, im just wondering when ill be able to talk to them again. well, i just found that they messaged me on pinterest after stealing their ipad back. I am suddenly very happy, its strange how just a few letters in a message can make me feel so happy. other than that, my life is going good if a little lonely as ive mentioned before. Maybe i shouldn't be as open about my feelings on the web but i just feel like this journal thing is helping.